Please fill in the form and we will get back to you at the soonest General Information Full Name*Email Address*Phone Number*Company Name*IndustryCompany description*Who are your three main competitors?Do you have specific guidelines do’s and don’ts about the colours and other elements of brand identity?If you have an existing brand/identity, why isn’t it working for you?What is the primary message you want to convey to your customers with your CI?Describe your brands desired look and feel?Who is your primary target audience?*Logo Please also indicate if you would prefer your company name to be spelled out or Initials?*Would you like it to have a Slogan/ tagline? If so, please provide.*If you have any preferred colours please list them*If you have any preferred fonts please list them*Would like an icon or symbol in the logo?Select OptionYesNoDo you have a preferred style for us to use?*Where will the logo primarily be used?*Will you be using your logo for branding?*What restrictions, if any, might there be on the logo?*If any, please give examples of logos you like and are inspired by*Please add any additional information you’d like to mentionBusiness Cards Would you like Double or single sided?*Select OptionDoubleSingleDo you have a preferred style for us to use?What colour scheme would you like us to use?Would you like us to include imagery?Select OptionYesNoWhat information would you like us to include on your business card?Would you like us to include the company slogan?*Select OptionYesNoStandard or custom size?*Standard Business cardSquare Business cardCustom SizeWould you like us to use icon indicators*Please indicate if you have a specified font for the information?*Please add any additional information you’d like to mentionLetterhead Do you have a preferred style for us to use?What colour scheme would you like us to use?*Would you like us to include imagery?*Select OptionYesNoWhat information would you like us to include on your letterhead*Would you like us to include the company slogan?*Would you like us to use icon indicators?*Please indicate if you have a specified font you would like us to use.*Please add any additional information you’d like to mentionEmail signature Full Name*Email Address*Address / LocationContact NumberWould you like a Image banner signature or HTML*Select OptionImageHTML- ClickableWould you like us to use icon indicators for the information?*Would you like us to include the company slogan?*Do you have a preferred colour scheme?*Please add any additional information you’d like to mentionPowerPoint Would you like us to include the company slogan?*What colour scheme would you like us to use?*Would you like us to include imagery?*Do you have a preferred style for us to use?*Please add any additional information you’d like to mention* I have read the Privacy Policy* CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.