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Growing your business revolves around getting and retaining new clients and customers. Throughout the centuries, however, the process of delivering quality customer service has differed as much as the businesses themselves. Keeping updated with the changing trends of how your customers want to be attended to is essential and in the modern world of technology there are so many ways to network, contact and interact with your customer base, yet most companies barely utilise any of them. Attending to the digital customer requires a vastly different way of thinking than before, that is why Polkadot Digital is here to help you thrive on the virtual landscape that we know so well!

In the past, customer interactions with your business was mainly up to you, depending on where you choose your advertising and physical stores to be. However, in the digital circumstance, the platform and way that your customers interact with your business is entirely up to them and rather than having your customers find your content, content must now find the customer. Creating constant, quality content and targeting the correct audiences is the key to succeeding in this.

One of the biggest differences between past and present customer service is timing. Immediate response is now considered ‘good service’ so replying to DM’s, inboxes and online messages as soon as possible is no longer an option but a necessity. Customer service in general has also shifted almost entirely from telephonic addresses and call centres to social media inboxes, so your social media presence has never been more important.

Speaking of social media, it’s no longer good enough to simply have a profile picture and small bio sending potential customers to your website or physical address. Clients rely on looking at your digital footprint, so filling your social media pages with relevant, quality content means you’re more likely to get and retain the client.

Alongside your social media content is your reviews. Previously, if a client had a bad experience with you that would simply mean that you won’t receive business from them and their inner circle, but with platforms like Hello Peter and Facebook reviews, any negative reviews are available for everyone to see. This means that you as a business owner must respond to all reviews and comments, whether positive or negative.

Lastly, retaining customers means gaining their trust from the start, and with the advance of technology customers are less likely to trust businesses without a solid digital footprint, this includes a user-friendly and aesthetic website. Your services may be superior to your competition, but if a client can find competitors online and not you then the sale has already been lost. 

Ultimately, having ‘good enough’ customer service is no longer good enough. Standing out from the crowd of businesses around you means consistent and effective interactions from all of your digital and social media channels, from your website to Facebook page. While it can seem overwhelming at times to ensure your customers are accounted for constantly, Polkadot Digital is here to be your guiding hand in digital customer service! Talk to us today to see our digital expertise in action!

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